When I begin blogging for a client, we review three main points. First, we talk about what the client wants to accomplish by blogging. Second, we talk about the logistics of gathering information for a blog, writing, and publishing the articles and images. Lastly, we discuss ways to market the blog. Let’s take a closer look at gathering information for a blog.

Gathering information for a blog
As a ghost writer, I often blog in first-person, so each article has to reflect a client’s personality. A conversation over the phone or in person lets me capture my client’s individuality. I translate his or her ideas into a credible, readable article. We discuss the tone to strike with the audience. Formal or casual? First person (as if they’re writing it themselves) or second person (from an outside observer).
To make the best use of my clients’ time when gathering information for a blog, I often cover 2-3 topics in one phone interview. Additionally, we connect during their downtime, not their busy time.
Identifying specific keywords
We talk about keywords for their industry, and specifically, for their business. For example, I blog for an asphalt company that provides four services: paving, striping, seal coating, and crack repair. I work those four keywords (and other keywords) into their blogs. Keywords help a website rank better on Google and other search engine results pages. Users who type in a query like “Seal coating companies in Green Bay” can connect with companies that offer this service.
Furthermore, keywords are my guide to optimization techniques. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) includes links, images, tags, page titles, and page descriptions. I use the keywords I gather from a client to complete this behind-the-scenes optimization.
Giving clients control over content marketing
Once I’m done gathering information for a blog, I begin writing. After a blog is written, it’s time to get the client’s seal of approval. Thereby, my client maintains control over the message, which is so important when defining and maintaining a brand image. The first set of revisions is included in my base price.
Working together to tell a story
Gathering information for a blog is just part of a comprehensive marketing strategy. By working with a professional blogger, my clients develop marketing and branding strategies that get results. A content marketing expert like Writer to the Rescue skillfully tells each client’s story.
Contact the Wonder Writer at 920-639-1865 to discuss how we can work together on blogs, website content, news releases, or magazine articles.