In July, we learned the exciting news.
In August, I shopped at a zillion rummage sales, until my car was so full that I couldn’t fit another baby bib or onesie inside.
In November, I co-hosted a baby shower, with more cute rubber duckies than I’ve ever seen in my life.
In December, I opened a special Christmas gift, a sweatshirt with my soon-to-be new title, Grandma.
In February, the doctor set a date for Mom and Dad to be at the hospital for something incredible.
Today, we’re at T minus 6, and the waiting is really getting to me.
Such a Long Wait for This Grandma-To-Be
For heaven’s sake, nine months is long enough! I can’t imagine being an elephant’s grandma-to-be. Elephants have 22-month gestational periods! Plus, they’re too big to swaddle, hold in my arms, and just gaze at in wonder. I’m having trouble concentrating on work today. My mind keeps drifting to thoughts of Janet and Tyler and the baby boy they’re expecting.

Grandmotherly Advice
Over the last few months, I’ve heard from so many grandparents, and every one of them was excited to tell me that I will love being a grandma. In the summer, I volunteered at Vacation Bible School, and the 4- and 5-year-olds melted my heart. When one little girl sat next to me and rested her head against my arm at the closing prayer service, I couldn’t help but smile.
Then, last month I went on retreat with 30 teenagers, who offered me marvelous advice about how to be a phenomenal grandparent:
- Always have cookies and good food on hand
- Take trips to the park or play outside together
- Slip the grandkids a little cash once in a while
- Attend their concerts, sporting events, etc.
- Never be too busy to listen
- And the dubious advice that really cracked me up: Say “Yes” to the things that Mom and Dad say “No” to – within reason, of course.
The Road to Motherhood
The road to motherhood hasn’t been all unicorns and rainbows for Janet, and I admire her for always doing what’s right for her and the baby. I also admire Tyler’s support through it all. They’ll make wonderful parents, that’s for certain.
I remember a few days after Janet got her driver’s license years ago, and she asked to use the car. To my surprise, she wanted to go visit Grandma Pat. I want to be that kind of Grandma. Just a few more days until I join the ranks of Grandparenthood.
Postscript Note from the New Grandmother
Here’s an update: Walter Carl was born on Feb. 18. Mom, Dad, and baby Walter all are doing well. So is Grandma Joan although I’m still getting accustomed to the title Grandma Joan. I had the chance to hold him and rock him when he was just a week old. Now, he’s smiling! And so am I.