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Joan at 4-H Camp

Campers show resilience at stormy 4-H camp

I took a break from work to spend four days volunteering on the waterfront at Camp Bird. I built sand ...
Writer Joan and Mathmatician Janet

Social Media Marketing Graduate Loves Writing

How can I help with your writing needs? This month Writer to the Rescue took flight full time for the ...
Blog photo of flag and grave for Memorial Day

Blog writing sample

When a local funeral director rolled out a new identity for his funeral homes, I offered to help tell his ...
Lessons learned from the likes of Alice and Olive

Lessons learned from the likes of Alice and Olive

It’s time to regroup from a hectic weekend; and what a weekend it was! Saturday night was spent at the ...
Robot Wizards

News/Magazine Article Sample

After being contacted by parents with well-deserved pride in their children’s accomplishment, I dusted off my reporter’s cap. It easily ...
Wonder Writer Meets Her Match, Squares Up Against the Best in the Business

Wonder Writer Meets Her Match, Squares Up Against the Best in the Business

The big news out of Titletown this weekend? The Green Bay Packers 2017 draft picks. What about the big news ...
Spring cleaning uncovers a simple, yet precious, treasure

Spring cleaning uncovers a simple, yet precious, treasure

Nothing takes you back in time like reading an old, handwritten letter that you don't recall writing. I was doing ...
What moonshine and mountains taught me about marketing

What moonshine and mountains taught me about marketing

I just returned from one of those quintessential vacations – a 12-hour car ride that involved my family, overstuffed suitcases ...
Newsletter sample

Newsletter sample

During the 2016-17 school year the Oconto Falls School District conducted a three-day conference called Destination Education. The conference brought ...
13 Tips for Writing Superpowerful News Releases To Get Your Audience's Attention

13 Tips for Writing Superpowerful News Releases To Get Your Audience’s Attention

Hi, This is Writer to the Rescue with a powerful promotional idea for business owners and organizational leaders. Before I ...